M i s c a n t h u s B r e e d i n g
Harvesting 6ha in Aberystwyth in spring
Harvesting 6ha in Aberystwyth in spring
Heap of chip from 6ha in Aberystwyth
Seedlings of new crosses raised in plugs
Harvesting in the UK (Blankney)
Miscanthus pellets (used by Drax)
Miscanthus spaced plant nursery for wild accessions
Harvest ready plot trials
Raising progeny in the glasshouse
Harvest sub-samples for oven drying and compositional analysis
Hand-planting of progeny from crosses
Miscanthus seed germination tests
Autumn flowering Miscanthus in Asia
Early establishment of planting density trials
Basal stems morphology of M. sinensis
Basal stem morphology of M. sacc
M. sinensis spaced plant family for QTL mapping
Mulch film used to protect seedlings from photo-degrading
Mulch film used to protect seedlings from photo-degrading
Seedling plug plants
Mulch film used to protect seedlings after planting
Parental lines preparing for crossing
Pot stocks for crossing
In vitro filtering
Spaced plant trials at Aberystwyth
Pre-emergence weed control of spaced plants
An early flowering genotype
Germination of Miscanthus vs Maize on a thermal gradient
Mxg starting to autumn senescence
Spaced plant harvests with a Kemper mower
Road transport of biomass as bales
Early shoot emergence and spring frost
Plugs sown with seed for trials
Michal Mos, 'Miscanthus Man in Lincoln'
Miscanthus seed is small
More crop per drop - water use efficiency trials
Soil profile coring for bulk density and texture
Michal Mos checks out a whole bale biomass burner
Sue Youell performing crossing trials
The multi-functionality of Miscanthus, sheep bedding for indoor lambing systems
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Miscanthus Breeding - Image 5 of 40
M i s c a n t h u s B r e e d i n g t o p r o v i d e s u s t a i n a b l e g l o b a l b i o e n e r g y f o r t h e f u t u r e